Monday, March 1, 2004

ooooo so sexy

sex is the meaning of life. it's why things live. to reproduce. if there were no people on the planet, just rocks, fish, trees, bushes, monkeys, lizards, and bugs, that'd be true. but people. oh yea us homosap-whatevers we break all rules and definitions. is it cause we're so smart? i think not. complex, yes. smart is not always complex. actually, i feel that smart is NOT complex. like so complex that it's simple. sorta like an ipod. but not exactly, cause we have eyes.

so sexy devides up into 2 different categories. (actually there's a million. but i see two very very genral categories) there's the supermodel sexy. the sexy that you and i can't and won't have, it's almost so theoretical and unattainable that it's not really worth fantasizing about. after reading a bit of maxim and hearing about these surreal sex goddeses that we all worship it's pretty hard to imagine actually having sex with her in my mere mortal form here. i'd have to go on the real world or average joe in order to cheat the beaten path of fame and fortune and get my face on the cover of US weekly. (or any other grocery store tabloid) so there's the unattainable perfect sexy.

then there's the real sexy. the one that we all know and love and resort to when we realize our heads are in the clouds. i'm talking the cute girl in history class that has the funny rim glasses and the pink shirt that you like oh so much on her. the way she walks and the way she talks... it's been said a thousand times over and over. but this is the sexy that we all are familiar with on a personal passionate level.

what i'm learning is that one of the two categories changes. the other, does not. the category 1 sexy doesn't change. celebs pave the way for what's ultimately sexy. they're the ones everyone wants, can't have, and mimic pathetically with no leadership ability but more following ability than a herd of sheep. that sexy is like concrete.

the other sexy, that one changes. in middle school, the girl with boobs was sexy. all other girls i knew didn't even have any. yet i saw so many on TV, so sure enough the first set i saw i thought they were sexy. then on to highschool, and it was the provocative, outgoing, spoiled girl that every guy somehow had a crush on. she was sexy and so was her parent's mercedes. college was a definite turning point. the crazy, the eccentric. sexy went from one trait/personality/style to an infinite number of combinations. and now. now is the scary point. it's the mature qualities that are sexy. a friend told me that we're at an akward time in our lives at 24 years old. you're not an adult yet, not really. you have the responsibilities of one, and expectations of one, yet again you don't have all the benefits of being an adult.

i've noticed though, a girl who has a career (i mean she has a salary instead of $xx.xx/hr) and is totally supporting herself is sexy. responsible, yet fun, young, yet an adult... in a similar position as me. that's sexy. is it sexy? i dunno... is sexy and attractive getting confused here? shit. how did i just realize that at the end of this wrist intensive post! it matters not, i'm not getting any sex from this anyhow!


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