Thursday, December 4, 2003

love is loosing

i'm horrible at anything school related, but in a class i do recall a greek myth being talked about. while i fantasized about cars, computers, pens, palm pilots, fishing boats, turntables, fishing poles, dual monitors, 100gig harddrives, cell phones, l@ptops (i put the @ instead of an 'a' because now blogger will link specific words like laptops to sites ranked on selling such items... everything's a fucking commercial), wireless internet, korean bbq, beer, cigarettes, digital c@meras, salsa with chips, etc...

we learned of a man who loved a woman so much. more than any man loved any woman. and right before, or after, their marriage. she died. and he played the harp, or guitar, some string instrument. (i was dreaming when listening to this) so then he'd go around playing the saddest song anyone had ever heard. and eventually he came to a place where the song was so sad that the women of the village chopped him up into little bits and threw him into the town river. to go finally be with his lover.

this story has no point whatsoever.

but what i'm trying to say is that these days people will keep themselves occupied long enough to get over a loss like that and move on to find a new significan other.

i'm talking about cars, computers, pens, palm pilots, fishing boats, turntables, fishing poles, dual monitors, 100gig harddrives, cell phones, l@ptops, wireless internet, korean bbq, beer, cigarettes, digital c@meras, salsa with chips, etc...

ya all those things one can become immersed in and forget about a lost love for a significant amount of time. heck those things may just be enough to keep one going. not forever, but surely for a time period to realize how grand it is to be alive, and everyone gets another chance.

i think that's what i'm currently doing. i'm playing ostrige and buring my head in the sand cause i'm scared of what's around me. soon i'll pop up and take a peek at everyone, but as for now, it's natures defense mechanism for me.


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