Thursday, August 5, 2010

the eggling pt. 6

ray is doing well these days.

look at those healthy green leaves!

and little rondo is coming along nicely.

sometimes a little company, some family, and loud music can turn dirt into life.

now i suppose with all these egg posts, the world has got wind that i'm some egg collector-connoisseur. as i have recently been gifted a wooden egg, from the lands of far east asia.

you see, the egglings are plants that grow out of eggs. the wooden egg is an egg made from a plant (tree) that most likely was hatched out of a similar eggling many many years ago in a far away land.

so you ask yourself:
are plants that mimic procreation styles of birds and reptiles a healthy post topic for this blog?
i say yes. and leave it at that.


jonyangorg said...

Wow, a wood egg AND George's eggling is finally growing! Who knew plants needed sound to grow?

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