so far i've been tracking my workouts in 2012, and i've logged 28 workout days. lunchtime running is officially a habit. and recently i've added a weightlifting exercise or two before the run, since 5-6 minutes of abs or arms is all you need to end up pretty darn sore the next day. of my 28 aforementioned workouts, i've had this app for well over 6 months and have used it anytime i run.
today after my run, i noticed that the total number of miles was 0.04 miles shy of 100 total miles, a milestone in my book. it's wild to think that i've run for over 18 1/2 hours, and burned (approximately) 13,400 calories. a day's worth of calories is 2,000 calories, so i've negated almost 7 days worth of caloric intake just by running.
how has this affected my weight, wasteline, and bmi%? not a damn bit. how do i feel, healthy and most of all proud. the feeling of set goal, strive towards goal, and finally achieve goal never gets old. time to set new goals, and start striving. see you at 200 miles!