Wednesday, September 13, 2006

death from above 1979


it's common knowledge that i’m not a fan of couples. breakups are something i heavily encourage (solely for selfish reasons). if anyone was wondering, misery is not the only one who loves company, so does loneliness.

it’s come to my attention that a breakup occurred which leaves me heart broken. this canadian couple made beautiful music together… death from above 1979!

i love this band *loved this band.

two guys from canada, an electric bass, and some drums give the basic formula to this late duo. jesse and sebastien created what people called dance-punk or dance-noise. high energy rock and roll lyrics, with a twist of loud synth make the death from above 1979 the kind of band that i blast on repeat on friday afternoons while driving home from work.

now jesse is still in a group called mstrkrft, who has remixed some death from above songs. if mstrkrft broke up i don’t know what i’d do.

i’ve reached the point in this blog where i go back and reread what i wrote. i realized that there’s a possibility one person who surfs onto my page and reads this will have heard of death from above 1979 or mstrkrft. that person will understand my pain and agony. for the others, i need to give some sort of reference point, a datum. let me equate this break up to that of say tom cruise and nicole kidman, or justin timberlake and brittiney spears for the younger crowd. ya, that big folks. you know you remember where you were and what you were doing when you heard that cruise and kidman were unhitching!

i just realized how bad that analogy really was. it’s late, i haven’t had my coffee for the day. the sun got in my eyes.

death from above 1979 decided a year ago, and announced about a month ago this horrible break up (horrible to me). there’s a cliché saying that i simply despise when people blurt out. but i’m going to use it here as i would never use it in real life, without sarcasm. “things happen for a reason”. for all the cup-half-full suckers who preached these words to me when they really should have said something more along the lines of “you can only play the cards you’re dealt” i’m going to use their line. i’m optimistic, hoping that the loss of one awesome band spawns two equally awesome bands in the near future.


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