take it off!
as everyone knows, (if they actually read my daily life) i'm a bit blue these days due to a case of heartbreak. i came upon a recipe for a quick pick-me-up yesterday:
2 single roomates
1 non-single roomate with a girlfriend in colorado
$1.00 well drinks in laguna beach
a pack of freshly rolled cigars
a 4 door honda civic
a couple of 1dollar bills
the extacy strip club off fairview
so i'm not a strip club virgin anymore.
girls taking their clothes off in front of spectating people. it wasn't what i figured it'd be. but it was fun, no doubt it was fun.
i don't only recommend this recipe for heartbreak cases, but also for birthdays, layoffs, ice cream sundays, or just good ol mother's day. i wish i was wittier sometimes but find that wit isn't my thing. the card i usually play is the comedy card, but it comes out as the "i'm a loser card".
or if i'm playing cards for reals, it's play the A and 5 as if it were an A and 3... specially when two three's show up in the flop.
-sounds like i know what i'm talking about but i don't-
i think i'm hungry for another pick-me-up.
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