Thursday, November 29, 2001

this thought has been with me for a while...

for some weird reason the kids around me have been talking about schizophrenia, and they say that they're going crazy and whatnot... ok, so realistically, they're not... and they know they're not, they're just messing around or whatever...

but then i think about myself? and the crazy people. being crazy is like being an alcoholics, sorta... alcoholics don't know that they're alcoholics, or smokers... smokers say that they can quit anytime but they just choose to not do so... in reality, you and i know that it's not that simple... everyone's seen a miserable smoker trying to quit...

that's not my point.... people who are really crazy, aren't aware of it. people who are think they're normal, yet aren't -that's what makes them crazy! they're oblivious to the condition they're in.

i wonder, many people tell me that i "think differently" or that i'm very blunt (when i feel that i'm beating around the bush). i've been trying to think outside my head, or at least see outside of it. how other people see me... i hope that they don't think i'm crazy, i validate not being crazy by knowing that i'm not, or thinking that i am.

-> a friend of mine once said "i wish people would make fun of me too" he then explained how people only make fun of you when they are comfortable with you.

->funny thing just happened now. my roommate came in and said that some dude came up to him and started pushing christianity on him... my roommate doesn't believe in christianity... but he's passive so he let the guy go on... so the guy asked him his name, and my damn roommate said "MY NAME [not his]".... and you can guess what he did when the christ pusher asked for my roommate's email....
so yea, i'll be getting some bible study emails soon i suspect



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